LUHE - I think the point being made by the OP is that the "safe haven" is often used by some to attack and shout down people with different beliefs. Very unfriendly.
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
It's a shame isn't it?
by freddo in... that this forum, which is such an amazing resource for those needing support for their journey from watchtower's clutches has an increasingly present representation of unreasoning politically charged loudmouths..
Today's Watchtower Study Article - 100% Double-Speak
by The Fall Guy in1) throughout the whole article jw's were being told not to believe or pass on everything they hear, but to examine the information to prove whether it was true or not.. 2) throughout the whole article jw's were being told not to listen to or look into any information or challenges which sounded negative about the org.. mind-numbed jw's will be leaving their kh's today wondering, "do i try and prove to myself and others that that what has been said is definitely a lie, (1 timothy 4:1; 1 peter 3:15;1 john 4:1) or do i totally ignore it and believe everything the org tells me is true?
" (proverbs 14:15).
cult-training in full flow..
The Fall Guy
1) Throughout the whole article JW's were being told not to believe or pass on everything they hear, but to examine the information to prove whether it was true or not.
2) Throughout the whole article JW's were being told not to listen to or look into any information or challenges which sounded negative about the org.
Mind-numbed JW's will be leaving their KH's today wondering, "Do I try and prove to myself and others that that what has been said is definitely a lie, (1 Timothy 4:1; 1 Peter 3:15;1 John 4:1) or do I totally ignore it and believe everything the org tells me is true?" (Proverbs 14:15)
Cult-training in full flow.
Changing my email
by Hyghlandyr inhi!
i am trying to change my email address, it says it has to send me a link to confirm but i am not getting an email so that i can click on that link.. any help is appreciated..
The Fall Guy
Have you checked your junk/spam for the link?
Venting, Wow, found out just how indoctrinated my wife is
by goingthruthemotions injust had to share this, tonight we had a heated conversation about the religion.
she said everything they teach is 100% true and any mistakes are cleaned up and corrected, that the payouts for the child abuse is not an issue even if its taken from donations.
because, she believe 100% the org knows what its doing.
The Fall Guy
GTTM - "She said everything they teach is 100% true."
LOL!!! Didn't we all think that at one time?
You have a PM containing various JW "truths" versus the Bible which you can ask her to prove/defend.
I'd love to be a fly on your wall.
Kingdom Hall Closures In Canada.
by Lost in the fog inone of our friends in canada posted the following message to their circle of friends.
"in our meeting last night, the coordinator read a letter from the canadian branch about the reorganized territories.
all the territories in the fraser valley from hope to vancouver, about a hundred miles in all, have been reorganized to create larger congregations and improve the use of kingdom halls.
The Fall Guy
JW's in the U.S.A. & Canada may be prepared to regularly drive many miles to get to a reassigned KH, but I'm pretty certain that countless UK JW's would regularly avoid meetings if they were forced to do the same.
Watchtower Corp of New York worth over$ 2 billion
by Diogenesister inin the montana sex abuse court case for the first time watchtower has been required by the courts to give a financial statement to the court to assess awards of punitive damages for negligence and (for the first time)malice in non compliance of mandatory reporting laws.. watchtower corp of new york has finances in excess of $2 billion while cc of jw is worth $49 million.
this doesn't include the pensylvania corp or what overseas branches may have.. pretty healthy bank balance by any standards..
The Fall Guy
My understanding of the cult's structure is that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania & New York Inc. is the "Big Momma" which has created numerous other Watchtower Bible & Tract Societies around the world.
The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses on the other hand is the paradoxical "child" of Big Momma. Paradoxical, because it's a child who feeds the mother with money in exchange for "spiritual food."
Due to the raid on every congregation's bank account and the enormous economies implemented by Big Momma to replace the costly physical "food" with a digital substitute, every year Big Momma can now hold onto hundred$ of mi££ion$ more than she needs.
So what is all this money now being used for? Certainly not for KH construction!
Thought Provoking Question to a JW?
by Solzhenitsyn indid jesus ever utter the name jehovah?.
and if he didn't what are the implications?
nwt answers don't count but feel free to use the kingdom interlinear.
The Fall Guy
Why are JW's compelled by the WTBTS to totally disregard Jesus' specific instructions regarding sins, and replace them with the org's commands?
Jesus taught that Christians only had to show contrition to someone who had witnessed the wrongdoing. (Matthew 18:15-17) He said nothing about confessing a sin to elders who had no knowledge of it.
An anti-scriptural & anti-Christ dogma. How many JW's would not be disfellowshipped if Matthew 18:15-17 was correctly applied?
* 2018 Mergers and changes to UK congregations *
by truthseeker ini have a document containing a list of all congregations in the uk.
periodically i go through the links and check to see if they're still registered as charities and if the location of the congregation is the same.. instead of posting a large list of changes all at once, i will be adding each change that i find in a new reply to this thread.. please check back here periodically.. truthseeker.
The Fall Guy
SBF - there was a congregation in the Stevenston which was at the centre of the Panorama paedophile scandal. The resulting scandal caused changes in the congregation and elders.
* 2018 Mergers and changes to UK congregations *
by truthseeker ini have a document containing a list of all congregations in the uk.
periodically i go through the links and check to see if they're still registered as charities and if the location of the congregation is the same.. instead of posting a large list of changes all at once, i will be adding each change that i find in a new reply to this thread.. please check back here periodically.. truthseeker.
The Fall Guy
SBF - several years ago the original Kilbirnie KH was sold and a new one built in the town of Stevenston - but it was still called the Kilbirnie congregation.
At the beginning of 2018 their KH was closed - pending an alleged "refurbishment." The congregation was then assigned to share the nearby Irvine KH until the mythical refurbishment was carried out.
The Kilbirnie KH has been lying empty for the past 9 months with no signs of a refurb being started. And since Irvine KH has recently splashed out a bit of cash on a very professional sign which details the added congregation meeting times, it looks a certainty that Kilbirnie KH will soon appear on Rightmove.
LOL - just checked JW.BORG web site. Not only have they NOT updated the Irvine congregation's Sunday meeting time to 10.00 am, the same 'phone number for both congregations has either changed or is disconnected.
My Mom's Challenge to Me
by lriddle80 inso my jw mom messages me on facebook last night and says she wants me, for a month, to read the bible, but first pray using the name jehovah and in jesus name and then read it with an open mind.
she is so ridiculous!
first of all, i do pray but i usually just say father and i always pray in jesus name and i find it ironic that she is saying i should have an open mind when hers is closed.
The Fall Guy
Hi Iriddle80 - your mom is simply following JW cult-training by trying to get inside your head again.
Time for some reverse-witnessing; you have a PM.